Friday, May 16, 2008

The Best Way to Pick Up a Girl

You see her beyond the room. Ah, so attractive. But cipher to acquaint her to you. 'Ah, I'll do a James Bond on her,' you think. Now what was Bond's aboriginal words to Pussy Galore? 'I charge be dreaming.' No, that won't work. How about singing 'Underneath the Mango Tree' to her as Bond did to Honey Rider in 'Dr. No'. Ah? No! Well, what's left? You'll aloof accept to go up and allocution to her, if it's a bearings area you won't see her again. But it's consistently safe to accept that she has a admirer that can clasp the stuffings out of a gold ball. That aside, booty a adventitious and accomplish affable conversation. What's the affliction that can happen. She says, 'I'm sorry, I'm not available.' and you save the time and money of a date with her. Like George Burns says, 'When a admirable woman says 'no' to me, it's a relief.
If you apperceive that you will see her again, like at your university, your job, or alive at a restaurant, you can accept addition attempt at her and use the shy man's access to accepting a date.
'You acreage boys don't accomplish a pitch, you aloof shy your way into position,' Ann Margaret says to Pat Boone in 'State Fair'.
Okay, actuality it is. Instead of allurement her to banquet or out on a date which has affair intended, get some tickets to a concert or accident first, and again with tickets in duke say, 'I aloof happened to accept tickets to this event. If you'd like to go with me, I'd be blessed to booty you.' This way the accountable is the event. Allocution about the being singing at the concert, instead of if the two of you could hit it off or not. She can calmly say yes or no, or ask added questions about you or the time and abode of the event. She doesn't accept the burden of axis you down, so she can aloof about-face the accident bottomward and that will be that. And if by adventitious she can't accomplish that date, but is absorbed in you, she can alpha talking about activity out addition time.
I've acerb appropriate this 'ticket' address to both men and women who are beguiled with addition at work, or at shop, or restaurant, and accept no abstraction how to accomplish an approach. If the being is available, they usually say yes to an invitation. After all, it's aloof activity to an event. It's not absolutely a date.
I acclimated this 'ticket' address in academy to ask out a admirable stranger. I was actual shy, but was 'in love' from a ambit so I had to booty some affectionate of alarming attraction. Her name was Cindy and I generally saw her in the apprentice lounge amidst by guys. It took weeks of watching her afore I could bolt her walking alone, and ask her if she'd like to go see the aloof bench Cinerama assuming of 'Grand Prix'. She said, 'Well, I don't apperceive you, but if you appear and allocution to me sometimes and I get to apperceive you, again maybe.'
So in the abutting canicule I fabricated an attempts at accepting in a few words with her as she talked with her friends. Again I begin out she was demography the blur acknowledgment chic that I had taken a division earlier. So I pushed the abecedary to appearance my new 16mm activity blur in the chic that she was in. He fiqured I had a abstruse motive because he said he'd appearance it in the morning class, but I said it had to be apparent in the afternoon chic (the one Cindy was in). Finally, he agreed.
I not alone directed the film, but had a allotment in it area I acclimated my anew abstruse karate and hoped she would be impressed. The blur went over abundant with the chic auspicious and applauding. As she was abrogation the chic I said to her, 'Well, do you apperceive me able-bodied abundant now?' She said, 'To go out with you? I replied, 'Yes.' She smilled and nodded her arch yes. So don't 'ask her out'. Don't 'take her to dinner'. Get some tickets, and maybe she'll acknowledgment you like Cameron Diaz does in 'Charlie's Angels'. 'Tickets? I adulation tickets!'

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